Junior Football Club (JFC) offers a unique approach in the development of youth soccer players. We are committed to all of our players.
Junior Football Club (JFC) will be focused on the youth player in both development of learning to play the beautiful game of football but also educate them on mental IQ that is required in order to play at the elite or international level.
Our methodology focuses on these 4 key points.
Whether you’re interested in trying out or are looking to improve your skills, JFC offers that platform for high level players to develop and prosper. For further information check our different options and if it suits you make sure to register.
Looking for elite and special player to compliment our 2020/2021 teams. Teams are from boys 2012 up to 2005. 3x week training for Fall and Spring season. 2x week training in the Winter, EDP Season, and 3 tournaments per team and state cup for every team. Focused on player development.
Looking for elite and special players to create a showcase team to play certain style of soccer. 2x week training featuring technical ball skills, pass/receiving, Advanced ball control, Offensive/defensive tactics, Soccer IQ, strength/agility.
More information regarding this camp will be available shortly.
Elite training is available for players outside of JFC during fall winter and summer. These players will be hand picked by the coaching staff of the club.
During the winter and summer, these selected players will often be invited to play in some scrimmages with the JFC Elite club players.
Some teams of our players: